Elizabeth J. Colen


Elizabeth J. Colen was born in the Midwest, raised in the Northeast, has lived in the Southeast, and currently makes her home in the Pacific Northwest. She is the author of Lambda Literary Award nominated prose poetry collection Money for Sunsets (Steel Toe Books, 2010) and flash fiction collection Dear Mother Monster, Dear Daughter Mistake (Rose Metal Press, 2011), and a recipient of the Nelson Bentley Fellowship and Ingham Fellowship. Elizabeth also occasionally blogs about books, libraries, and train travel at her website.

Colen is the author of Waiting Up for the End of the World: Conspiracies

From the author

[pullquote_left] “I don’t know if I ever consciously thought of Twin Peaks as an influence while writing anything, but I was 14 when it came on in 1990 and it blew my mind. I’d never seen anything like it. I was always more of a reader, never really watched TV. And the stuff I read then was crap because it’s what I had access to. I read whatever romance novels my mother had lying around (you know, to learn about sex), and then whatever my older brother had from school. And when I’d ask someone for recommendations, like a teacher or someone, I didn’t know what to ask for. I never liked age-appropriate stuff, I refused to read YA books, didn’t care about Judy Blume. I wanted literature, but they kept giving me kid stuff. So I think at that point I had yet to be impressed by anything that wasn’t music.” [/pullquote_left]



Elizabeth J. Colen

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