Christopher Grimes


AUTHOR CHRISTOPHER GRIMES is the author of Public Works: Short Fiction and a Novella (FC2, 2005). His award-winning short fiction has appeared in Western Humanities Review, Beloit Fiction Journal, Reed, Cream City Review, First Intensity, Knock, and elsewhere. He teaches literature and ficton writing at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Grimes is the author of The Pornographers

From the author

“Like life itself, writing and reading can be really boring. Reading boring writing, writing boring stuff. But then I discovered some not so boring writing—the work of Calvino, Paley, Nabokov, Borges and lots of others. These writers can be exhilarating. After awhile, I experienced pockets of exhilaration in my own tedious, boring writing. I would bore myself to tears, then throw the drafts away like so much Kleenex. Then one day I didn’t. One day I surprised myself. That took a long time, though.”

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